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INA VIRTUAL – Virtual Center Login
May you continue to achieve more goals, and above all, may you continue to develop in freedom and with responsibility. We wish you much success and recognize the efforts of each one of you as part of the development of our society.
The faculties of Engineering, Architecture and Economics, invite all students to participate in their inaugural class and the conference entitled «How to overcome failures?» through ZOOM.
Academic QualityEach class is taught by professionals from each branch, who in addition to transmitting theoretical knowledge, share the vision of the current labor field in order to compete with a different value proposition.
We inform all the educational community of IFTS N°6 that on Friday, March 10, the on-site activities of the institute will be suspended due to disinfection and pest control tasks at the Otto Krause establishment.
The virtual pre-enrollment will be confirmed after the validation in person of the original documentation (ID card, diploma and high school transcript) from FEBRUARY 27 to MARCH 10, 2023.
The present pre-enrollment will be confirmed after the validation and control of the original documentation (ID card, diploma, high school transcript and GCBA pre-enrollment). If you have studied abroad, please note that you must have the corresponding validation (you can check here the necessary procedures and certificates).
Tutorial 1: Registration on the ESFM Moodle site
It is a free platform that allows the creation of evaluation quizzes. It is a tool by which the teacher creates contests in the classroom to learn or reinforce learning and where the students are the contestants.
It is a digital platform that offers the possibility of creating collaborative murals. It works as a virtual collaborative whiteboard where teacher and students can work at the same time, within the same environment.
OVA: according to Chiappe, Segovia and Rincón (2007) cited by Chiappe (2016), a Virtual Learning Object -OVA-, «is a reusable digital entity, self-contained, with a clear educational purpose and constituted by at least three editable internal components: contents, learning activities and contextualization elements». This is how some of the basic study materials are presented. There you will find instructions on how to navigate in the OVA.
AMV: are subjects mediated by virtuality that are offered within the face-to-face modality with the purpose of providing students with the possibility of a semi-presential attendance, since these subjects alluding to article of Decree 1075 of 2015 have a face-to-face evaluative component between 20% and 60%.
55 user registration and access module for joomla
From ‘Advanced Features’, the administrator can «Allow site-wide messaging» (disabled by default). If this setting is enabled, users on the site can see all users when they select someone to message and can choose to accept messages from anyone on the site.
By default, both web and Email are both enabled, although Email will only work if the site has been properly configured to provide Email. Jabber and Mobile notifications are disabled by default and need to be configured first.
All email messages and notifications go to the email address set in a user’s profile. The administrator can optionally allow users to choose to have notifications sent to a different email address. This is off by default and can be enabled in Site administration > Advanced features > Notification email override.
Users can then enter their alternative email address under Preferences/User account/Notification preferences: Click on the gear icon next to «Email» in the table header and enter the alternative email.