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Moodle blocks plugins
Alternative with inverted learning methodology: the key word in this method is to invert, to invert what is done before, during and after the classes. Take advantage of the before, instead of the during, for the students to review the main contents, prepare a 5 to 10 minutes video with the important aspects of the subject, and ask them to watch it before the class, to answer some questions. This will allow a better use of the time you spend (virtually) with your students.
Alternative with a reversed learning methodology: make a more productive and enriching use of the time during the class, dedicating it mainly to explaining or demonstrating more complex concepts, exercises, discussions, presentations, cases and resolution of doubts. This can be done given that the knowledge presentation was done before the class.
Regardless of the modality of your course, i.e., whether it is face-to-face, online, blended or combined, it will always be important to determine precisely what students will learn along with the steps and stages to achieve it (Eberly Center, 2020). At the current juncture of the health contingency, this is no different. While it is likely to be complicated to maintain the same learning objectives you had planned for the face-to-face sessions, it is possible and desirable to determine realistic and appropriate learning objectives for the transition to non-face-to-face courses.
Moodle login
Sustainable development and youth in GuatemalaThis course aims to be an educational tool on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals -ODS-, with content focused on Guatemalan youth.We invite you to learn more about sustainable development and human rights, to contribute to your citizenship training and the commitment that everyone, everyone, everyone has the same opportunities and guarantees for a dignified life. Let no one be left behind!
Sustainable development and youth in Guatemala. Second versionThis course aims to be an educational tool on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals -ODS-, with content focused on Guatemalan youth.We invite you to learn more about sustainable development and human rights, to contribute to your citizenship training and to the commitment that everyone, everyone, everyone has the same opportunities and guarantees for a dignified life.Let no one be left behind!
Introduction to the principles of open government for the formulation of initiatives – Nuevo León 2022International course Introduction to the principles of open government for the formulation of initiatives. Course for Nuevo León
Bloque de progreso de finalización de Moodle
Coryell, J. E., & Chlup, D. T. «Implementing e-learning components with adult English language learners: Vital factors and lessons learned», Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(3), (2007), 263-278.
Machado, M., & Tao, E., «Blackboard vs. Moodle: Comparing user experience of learning management systems». En 37th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference-Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports, Milwaukee, West Indies 2007.
Monti, J. «El conocimiento de los traductores en la nube: Las nuevas tecnologías de la traducción». En International Symposium on Language and Communication: Tendencias y retos de la investigación (ISLC), Universidad de Esmirna, Turquía 2012.
Ruiz Madrid, Mª N. Autonomía del alumno en el aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador. Un estudio comparativo de casos sobre el comportamiento de los alumnos en el contexto del inglés como lengua extranjera. Castellón de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I, (2005). [Recuperado de:].
Warschauer, M. «Technological change and the future of CALL», en: Fotos, S y Brown, C (eds.), New Perspectives on CALL for Second and Foreign Language Classrooms, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 2004, 15-25.
How to install moodle
If you are downloading Moodle to your computer and then uploading it to your web site, it is usually preferable to upload it all as a single file and unzip it on the server. Even control panels like Cpanel allow you to unzip files in the «File Manager».
To run the installation script (install.php), just access the URL of your Moodle installation using a web browser, or simply access http://suservidor/install.php directly.
At the same time, the installer will check the features of your server and suggest how to solve any problems. For most common issues these suggestions should be sufficient, but if you get stuck, see below for more information on some common issues that should enable you to continue.
Thirdly, Moodle needs to have certain settings enabled in your PHP installation to work. Most of them will already have the default configuration options set by default. However, some PHP servers (and some of the newer versions of PHP) may have different settings. These options are defined in the PHP configuration file (usually called php.ini):