Moodle training courses

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What is eclac?

Sustainable development and youth in GuatemalaThis course aims to be an educational tool on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals -ODS-, with content focused on Guatemalan youth.We invite you to learn more about sustainable development and human rights, to contribute to your citizenship training and the commitment that everyone, everyone, everyone has the same opportunities and guarantees for a dignified life.Let no one be left behind!

Sustainable development and youth in Guatemala. Second versionThis course aims to be an educational tool on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals -ODS-, with content focused on Guatemalan youth.We invite you to learn more about sustainable development and human rights, to contribute to your citizenship training and to the commitment that everyone, everyone, everyone has the same opportunities and guarantees for a dignified life.Let no one be left behind!

Introduction to the principles of an open government for the formulation of initiatives – Nuevo León 2022International course Introduction to the principles of an open government for the formulation of initiatives.  Course for Nuevo León

Ilpes guide for the presentation of projects

Specific Objective: To develop a training process that promotes an improvement in the attention to the user population of the UIAEM of the HNM with quality and warmth, based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination.

The purpose of this course is to offer a guide to the user, thus providing the necessary knowledge in the use of the VIGEPES system functions in the profiles of: Administrators, Analysts and Digitizers.

This virtual course will provide the necessary information for the use of the system, thus optimizing the process of creating the institutional card for each establishment.

The purpose of this course is to offer a guide to the user, providing him/her with the necessary knowledge to carry out the user registration and dose registration processes correctly and efficiently. The purpose of this course is to provide immediate attention to the population that benefits from the application of the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Ilpes what is it

VIRTUAL CLASSROOMSWe put at your disposal virtual classrooms for e-learning courses, e-learning courses consulting for the creation, development and management of virtual communities, customization of e-learning systems among others.

Once the virtual classroom has been created, the client is provided with all the management and administration of the Campus, we will take care of all the registrations of administrators and students, changes, course uploads, etc.

VIRTUAL CLASSROOMSWe put at your disposal virtual classrooms for e-learning courses, e-learning courses consulting for the creation, development and management of virtual communities, customization of e-learning systems among others.

We apply Quality to guarantee Quality. The quality of our products and services is a determining factor of our competitiveness and represents the right way to achieve customer satisfaction.

Moodle training courses online

Experiencia en metodologías activas centradas en el trabajo activo del alumnado. Uso de TICs en entornos educativos. Gamificación. Uso del móvil con fines educativos. Estrategias pedagógicas utilizando redes sociales, uso responsable y gestión de identidad digital. Experiencia docente alumnado con minusvalía física.

La mayoría de los diseñadores instruccionales saben cómo crear cursos increíbles, pero cuando se trata de la parte comercial de las cosas se pierden. Sin embargo, todo el mundo quiere tener flexibilidad, muchos clientes contentos y generar ingresos pasivos.

La formación combinada está de moda. iSpring quiere asegurarse de que comprende las ventajas que el aprendizaje combinado puede ofrecerle y cómo mantenerse a la vanguardia.